Dogland بقلم د. منير موسى
26/08/2018 - 11:56:17 am



{Short story for children}

Written by: Dr. Muneer Moosa


Once upon a time,

there was a farmer, named Cub.

He lived on his farm

high in the hills.

Every morning,

he would leave his house

to work in the fields,

where he tilled the soil

and sowed grain.

He loved his dog Sowrd.

The farmer and his dog

would go out together,

to hunt birds to eat.

One day, at noon,

while Cut was resting

under an carob tree,

Sowrd saw a viper.

He jumped to catch it.

But he missed

and the viper got away.

The snake found the bag

of meat, that was hanging

on the tree.

It began to eat it,

and left some

of her venom in the food.

Soon, Cut woke up

and went to take the bag

from the tree.

Sowrd saw him

and started to bark

and run around him

in circles.

Cut did not understand

what his dog was trying

to tell him!

He took the meat

out of the bag to eat it,

and he was astonished

when Sowrd snatched it

from his hand

and swallowed it.

The dog ran to a nearby pool

and began lapping water.

Then, he fell down among

the stalks of green corn.

The birds began to weep

and tears fell from their eyes.

Cut hurried

to his motionless dog

and was saddened.

He began to sing:

I loved you

and you gave me affection.

I fed you

and you gave me protection.


Since then,

that place has been known

as Dogland

  that situated in

Busnan village-Galilee.


المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
الاسم الكامل :
مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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