11/09/2018 - 06:02:54 am




(A poem for pupils)

Dr. Muneer Moosa





(A poem for pupils)

Dr. Muneer Moosa


I am wakeup early

in the morning

listening to the nightingale


I embrace my mother                                                                               She healing me in

her eyes glitter


With my arms I clinch

my father

My heart darling,

to him I whisper  

On troubles he is overmaster



I wash my hands and my face                                                                      with water and soap           singing in any case

I clean my teeth

by toothbrush

and toothpaste

I feel in pleasure

when I taste



I drink milk, mixed with honey                                                                             It strengthen my body Enlighten my mind                                                                                                      It makes me like hero,

and glad



I arrange my bed and room,

enjoying the weather                                                                               in my balcony feeling free

listen to the wild doves zoom


singing on an olive tree

I like its bloom



I pickup breakfast with

my family In joy and quietly

wear my trouser and shirt     ן

I dress my shoes,

and take my hat                                                                   saying to my parents:                              My dear and my heart,


My ambition fill up the sky


I hold my bag on my back

Praying to be my future green

I walk on the left of the

street hopeful

Flying with joy trustful

and faithful

Refresh me, in their voices


I arrive to my school

and sit to rest

Its roses laughing to me


And breeze of the north-west


In my class room

I sit on my seat  

In front of me my book                                                                                   my notebook, pen,

pencil and ruler

So my study I shall complete

I pay attention to my teacher,

and look



I standup, of respect,

for my teacher

She my ideal, I love her

I quaff from her knowledge


I overcome difficulties,

climb on mountain

I see my way due to her

guidance ambitious

because her

instructions I

I not forget her cleverness

and kindness glance


Song of the School

Oh, how much my  school

is bright!

It's a garden that fill my soul

in delight

IIuminate my days,

its ambience

We, the pupils, its fruitage,

basil smell and fragrance

We say in one call:

We are brothers,

no , no to violence!


{*Sondos is the daughter of the poet}


المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
الاسم الكامل :
مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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