23/11/2018 - 08:46:03 pm




(Short story for pupils)

Dr. Muneer Moosa




(Short story for pupils)

Dr. Muneer Moosa


The hippopotamus, or sea horse, or river horse, is a large animal that lives on the sea and on the banks of the river. The water and the moist green plants are his home. He also loves the sweet river water. He loves peace and quiet, and does no harm to any creature. The animals treat him with respect, but keep their distance. One day the hippopotamus fell into a deep sleep. The wind and the waves were carrying him far away from the shore. He dreamed of a large palace in the sea. He saw short-winged water birds with black and white feathers and long hooked beaks. Their short legs enabled them to walk upright. They could swim and dive very well and eat fish and crabs, but they could not fly. The hippopotamus was amazed by his dream. He thought: "It is a marvel that these birds cannot fly and are strangers. They seem quite friendly, and I would like to spend time with them."

The hippopotamus enjoyed his dream. Before night fell he opened his eyes and mused: "I am hungry. Come, wonderful birds! Rich Island awaits you! " Then, he dove deep to enjoy the green plants. The hippopotamus ate until he felt the sun's rays streaming into his eyes. He thought to himself, "I have found something to eat, but where are those pretty birds? I'll go back to look for them on the shore. " And he sang as he went:  


The buffalo roams in the woods                                                         I prefer the rivers and seas

Without fear of wound or bruise

I love the penguins' beautiful hues


The Hippopotamus reached the shore, and there he found a flock of Penguins waiting to welcome him joyfully. He was astonished and wept and his tears fell on the sand. Suddenly he noticed that there were also drops of blood on the sand and he thought: "I must be injured! "The penguins encouraged him and, danced around him singing:


Our backs are black

Our chests are white

And fish from the deep

are our secret delight


They searched in the forest until they found plants that help kill pain. The penguins filled their sharp orange-black beaks with the healing juice of the plants, and spread it on the Hippopotamus's wounds. He lay on the sand, while the penguins stood around him, tended him, and fed him plants that he had never tasted before. The penguins had been so busy that they had not eaten at all. Now they were afraid to swim far because of the devouring sharks. This was an opportunity for the hippopotamus to repay them for their kindness. He called to the penguins: "Some of you can climb onto my back, and the others can stay by my side. I will take you to the Rich Island! "After a long and tiring swim they reached an island, where the sea was full of fish. The penguins dived deep, and soon there was not a single penguin among them without a fish in his beak! They ate until they were full, and the hippopotamus smiled with pleasure as he joined their song:


In the forests horses roam

Others call the sea their home

You, the Sharks, have earned defeat

But Rich Island fish are good to eat

So we enjoy tasty meat


Then, the penguins said: "It is time we got back to the shore to the warm velvety sand. How can we forget our nests, and our delightful fledglings, who are so dear to our hearts? We left them under the friendly Storks' watchful eye, but we have to hurry back to feed them. We are filled with longing for them, and we have a surprise for you, Hippopotamus!" Take care," he answered," And remember: in time of trouble I am always at your service. May God watch over you!"

When the penguins arrived  home they sang:


How pleasant is the sand

We don't like the hilly land

Our nests are safe at hand

Our food, from the deep, is grand


They embraced the storks, while listening to their words: "Good friends, lead us to the fish! We have not been afraid of the stormy waves. " Roamer, the leader of the penguins, immediately signaled to Glider, the head of storks, and in a flash they all swam west to Rich Island. Soon there was not one of them without a plump fish in his beak.They ate their fill, and drank from the clear rivers on the island. Then as they were resting they decided to crown the hippopotamus and make him king of Rich Island. Soon they were all singing in a circle with the hippopotamus. His wife was on his left, and his calfs were on his right. Roamer and Glider rose and placed the crown on his head, and declared him king of Rich Island. Then, the new king spoke: "My trusty storks and penguins, I thank you. I value your faith in me. This home is yours, this Kingdom is yours, and no one will dare disturb your peaceful life. Fear neither Shark nor Whale, nor any other preying sea-beast!"

The next day, a large family of hippopotamuses came from the sea, and the river to congratulate the new King. "We, too, think you deserve our trust, and we also wish to declare you king over us. You are wise, and you are just. Then they all sang together:


Ours is the sea, and ours the isle

The fish and all the plants, the Nile

Ours are the valleys, the sandy shore

All will be peaceful for evermore

المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
الاسم الكامل :
مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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